FDR/Lok Satta
undertook the path breaking Election Watch (EW) Activity in 1999
for the state assembly and parliamentary elections in Andhra Pradesh.
Since then we have come a long way and evolved as the largest people's
movement for governance and electoral reforms in the country. Many
of our successes are well known to you. In many ways, these successes
have been built on the solid foundations of the Election Watch movement
in 1999, and the popular mobilization based on that effort.
As you are aware,
Andhra Pradesh is scheduled to go to the polls for electing a new
legislative assembly some time in early 2004. Current indications
are that the polls may be conducted during the first fortnight of
March. Based on our earlier experiences and keeping in view the
larger electoral and governance reform goals, FDR/Lok Satta proposes
to under take AP Election Watch 2004 (APEW'04).
FDR/Lok Satta's
earlier EW efforts in 98' and 99' were successful in arresting the
process of criminalization. This time, we propose to go one step
ahead and ensure that even the established and entrenched politicians
with criminal/corrupt antecedents are not fielded by major parties
and thereby reverse the process of criminalization.
APEW 04 confidently
aims to influence the governance agenda, irrespective of which party
or candidates are elected. This massive citizens' effort will also
be directed towards cleaning up the electoral process within the
state, given the limitations of the electoral system.
Andhra Jyothi, 17
Dec, 2003
The News Indian Express,
17 Dec 2003
killing of Satyendra Dubey underlines the need for the Indian State
to summon a decisive will and create new instruments for making
conditions safe for citizens and conducive for liberty, argues Jayaprakash
Nararayan. Download the full article Click>>..
News Paper Reports |
The Hindu,
29 Dec 2003
Eenadu, 11 Dec 2003