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Water / Sewerage Connection ......

You can also download the Application Form


  • Water supply and sewerage are the main responsibilities of the local Panchayat, Municipality or Corporation.

  • In case of Hyderabad City, there is a separate Metropolitan Water Supply and Sewerage Board (MWSSB), which is responsible for water supply and sewerage. Storm water drains are the responsibility of Municipal Corporation of Hyderabad (MCH).

    How to obtain Water Connection?

  • You must file an application with the Gram Panchayat or Municipality or Corporation or in case of Hyderabad, with MWSSB. You may obtain the application from the local government or from the section officer with responsibility for your area. Please click here for a copy of the application to MWSSB in case of Hyderabad City. The applications are usually free of cost.

  • The procedure varies in various towns and cities. Usually, on presenting the filled out application to the local government (Panchayat / Municipality / Corporation), the officials will inspect and verify the application. If water connection can be given, depending on the supply and availability of the pipeline in the area, the local government or its officials will sanction the water connection.

  • Along with the sanction order, the service charges payable are indicated in writing. On payment of service charges, water connection will be given. You will have to bear the cost of laying the pipeline from the mainline to your house.

  • After the connection is given, you will have to pay water charges according to the norms prescribed. In many towns and cities, water meters have to be installed at the point of delivery of water from the main pipe. In such cases, water charges will be according to utilization recorded by the water meter.

    Procedure in Hyderabad City

  • Please collect the application form fee of cost from the concerned section officer or General Manager (Engg) Operation and Maintenance (GM Engg-O and M) division of MWSSB. Please see the MSSWB form.

  • Please present the duly filled out application form with the following documents to the office of GM (Engg).

    • Plans on tracing cloth - 3 copies each for water supply and for sewerage

    • Sale deed or allotment order for the land
    • MCH tax assessment
    • The plan must be in 1:100 scale with specifications given in the application form

  • The application will be forwarded by GM (Engg) to the Deputy General Manager (DGM) Engg. The DGM will inspect the premises and submit a report including technical feasibility to the GM (Engg). The GM (Engg), after verification will accord sanction for domestic water supply / sewerage connection. You will be intimated the details of amount to be paid.

    Payment of service charges

  • You must then pay the necessary amount by a demand draft drawn in favour of HMWSSB or by cash in the cash counters of the HMWSSB. On production of receipt or demand draft the DGM will send a release order to the area Section Officer, with a copy to you. The Section Officer will then issue a 'boring slip' and provide the required connection from the main pipeline.

  • The water charges vary according to slab rates depending on the quantity consumed. There are separate application forms for connections of water pipes of more than 15 mm diameter.

  • Water tariffs vary for such connections depending on the use - domestic, commercial or industrial.

  • Sewerage cess (tax) is usually collected with water tariff. In Hyderabad, this cess is now 35% of the water tariff.

    Unauthorized / illegal connections

  • If there is an unauthorized boring in the Board's main supply pipe, then penalty equal to normal connection charge will be collected. For illegal connections, in addition to service charge and penalty, unmetered consumption charges will be collected for 3 years.

  • Theft of water or unauthorized sewerage connection is an offence, and is an act of stealing. Unless all consumers pay the legitimate charges for connection and consumption, other consumers suffer. Please report to the local government or Board if you notice any unauthorized connection.

  • Water is a precious commodity. If you notice water leakage please alert the owner of the house or the local government / Board to stop it immediately.

  • Please take simple precautions not to clutter the sewers with cloth, sanitary pads, diapers, paper, plastic, cotton etc. Flushing such materials in toilets and drains will cause obstruction and overflow, which is both unhealthy and unaesthetic.

  • If there are any difficulties in obtaining water or sewerage, please approach the next higher official or the HMWSSEB or local government concerned.

  • If you do not get proper service, please contact the local unit of Lok Satta for guidance and help.

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