expend enormous energies in pushing one compartment only
a short distance on a sand track when so many more can be
moved with so much more ease, and reach out to far off places
and in much shorter time - if only we gave them wheels and
put them on a rail track?
have come a long way from glamorizing Sati, but are yet
to go a long way from ceasing to desperately look for saviours
willing to sacrifice their lives (and that of their families')
to save the country. We are living in the day and age when
the wheel has been invented and tracks have been laid and
there is absolutely no need to expend disproportionate energy
to achieve results which are but meagre when one looks at
what needs to be accomplished.
is why we need governance reforms. Good governance is the
track on which all these different compartments of education
or healthcare, water supply or sanitation, public order
or justice can reach people across the country. Everyone
of the myriad efforts by noble people across the country
is necessary but not sufficient. In the absence of good
governance heroic efforts are required to accomplish deeds
which are but mere drops to fill a bucket. With good governance
ordinary people can achieve extraordinary results.
as we like to wish away the government, it has an irreducible
role in providing basic healthcare, school education, rule
of law, public order, justice, social security - apart from
natural resource development, infrastructure and defence
of the country. All successful democracies across the world
are testimony to this. The onus is on us to not allow the
government to abdicate its responsibilities but make it
governance is about institution building and institution
building is about easy large-scale replication of work done
elsewhere, which might have to be just modified or adapted
to suit to our needs. There are so many simple, sensible
and practical solutions to most of our seemingly intractable
problems. The flight of many of our promising youngsters
is to countries where the track has been laid. They just
want to be given an opportunity to move faster and with
ease. And everyone of these youngsters is rising to heights
they never even dreamed of. Good governance is very well
within our reach and it is worth working for. We have to
create opportunities for all the 720 million children and
youth below 34 years of age, to rise to great heights in
our own country rather than surface elsewhere.
we going to wait for saviours in every village for every
tiny little progress? Or do we want to build institutions
which can borrow progressive initiatives anywhere and can
quickly adapt and adopt them everywhere? This emulation
and adaptation are what human progress is about.