There are many day-to-day needs for which we need to approach the local panchayat or municipality or public utility. Water, electricity or telephone connection, house building permit or property tax assessment are the issues that often cause problems. In all these cases, you should have reliable information about the rules and procedures, slab rates and what you should do to get prompt service.
Because of the monopoly situation, the public utilities are often insensitive and do not respond to our needs promptly. You should equip yourself with knowledge and take up issues collectively. A problem your neighbour faces today may well be faced by you tomorrow. Therefore we should all assert collectively to get better service. As a tax payer or customer, it is your right to demand proper service.
You should also take an active interest in the affairs of your panchayat and municipality and know how your tax money is being spent. You should pressurize the municipality or corporation to decentralize and form ward committees in your area, so that you will have greater access and better opportunity to monitor what is happening.
In cases like property tax assessment, you should insist on simple, open and uniform rates and standards. Please do not accept meekly unfair treatment. As a tax payer, you have the ability and duty to make your local government accountable to you.
You have a greater bargaining power collectively. Lok Satta banner can help you organize, and will give you credibility and recognition. You may contact the local Lok Satta unit or District Branch or apex unit to start a unit.
If you prepare a Citizen's Charter outlining the responsibilities and time-bound tasks your local government must perform, and your own role as a citizen on matters relating to amenities, it will be a useful and practical guide to obtain better services. Such a Charter should be widely debated in your town or village before finalizing it. All citizens should together bring pressure on your local government to approve such a Citizen's Charter.
Once you have such approved Charter in writing, it will be easy for citizens to monitor on a daily basis and ensure better civic services and amenities. Please click here for a model Citizen's Charter which you can use for guidance. This charter has been prepared for Secunderabad cantonment area in Hyderabad City for actual implementation.
If you need any assistance in this matter, please contact the local Lok Satta unit or District Brach or Apex Unit.