Whenever you acquire a new right on any landed property, you will need to follow the procedure for Patta (land title) transfer. Similarly, when you alienate (sell or gift or bequeath) land to someone, there is need for patta transfer. Incorporation of these permanent changes in land records is called 'mutation'.
- Mutation normally is necessary in the following cases:
Change of ownership by succession
- Survivorship (in case of joint pattas)
- Inheritance
- Partition of property
- Purchase
- Mortgage
- Gift
- Lease
Any other acquisition or transfer of rights as owner, pattadar, mortgage or occupant or tenant of land.
How to apply for mutation or patta transfer?
The competent authority to transfer patta and to effect mutation in records is the MRO. If you have acquired any new rights in a landed property, you must send intimation to MRO in the prescribed Intimation form.
You must furnish to the MRO one or more of the following documents through which you acquired the right.
- Sale deed
- Will
- Partition deed
- Mortgage deed
- Gift deed
- Succession Certificate
The MRO will then acknowledge in writing the receipt of such intimation from you. He will then issue notices to all the affected persons including those whose names are entered in the Record of Rights (RoR) register in respect of the lands concerned. MRO or his officials will then conduct an enquiry to verify the claims in the intimation sent by you.
On being satisfied that your intimation is accurate and the claims is valid, the MRO will pass orders incorporating necessary changes in land records (mutation). If your claim cannot be established, he will reject the intimation.
As the procedure is elaborate, and enquiry by due process is required, it will take about one month for the mutation to be carried out. If the orders are not passed within one month, you may remind the MRO and wait for some more time.
If you feel that the MRO's order is not satisfactory, an appeal can be preferred legally to the RDO or Sub-Collector concerned. Such an appeal should be made in writing within 60 days of MRO's order. If you are not satisfied with the RDO's order also, you may file a revision petition before the District Collector.
You must note that patta transfer and mutation are not permitted in the following cases in respect of which no rights can be acquired.
If there are any abnormal delays at any stage, please remind the concerned official. If there is no proper response, please meet the next higher official.
If there is harassment or no proper service, please approach the local Lok Satta for support and guidance.
You have to apply for relief on the prescribed form in triplicate and two witnesses, one a J.P., must endorse it and all applications should be sent by registered post….