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Lessons Learnt

A key lesson learnt during the course of the Lok Satta movement is that informed, collective assertion can bring tangible and visible outcomes that can influence the entire country, in an imperfect democracy with imperfect institutions. Key Lok Satta achievements can be attributed to devising strategies and plans of action that: (i) have been designed to effect institutional building (ii) enable specific campaigns and activities to have a non-judgmental and non-strident approach (iii) have a respect for the political process; because, the real power to bring transformation lies in the political institutions (iv) an ability to mobilize public opinion cutting across traditional barriers in a vast and complex society and (v) an ability to function 'below the radar' and give others credit when deserved; because high visibility is not always the best indicator of contribution and progress.

The experiences and challenges faced by Lok Satta demonstrated that (i) states, and not the country as a whole, are the real units of political mobilization (ii) reputed, credible and public-spirited citizens with proven track-record can together catalyze reform initiatives (iii) having deep insights into the governance and political process is a prerequisite and (iv) an agenda that unifies citizens and their opinions and not divides them, is vital.
In large and complex societies, we cannot always dictate the pace and direction of change. Civil society, however, can seize opportune moments and help accelerate the process of reform and give a creative direction to people's concerns so that tangible, institutional outcomes become feasible.
Even amongst the educated and intelligent, who were aware of the problems and were willing to do something about it, the ability to work collectively was not a strong point. Making people work together by burying their differences or rather recognizing their differences and yet working on the core issues on which there is unanimity, was a great challenge. Lok Satta adopted a totally democratic way of functioning with common vision and mission and this enabled it to face that challenge with some degree of success. Lok Satta office bearers engage in constant interaction, brainstorming, regular discussion and debate. They have regular formal and informal meetings where various thoughts are debated and together a consensus is arrived at what are the best opportunities to be seized.
The challenges faced are ones that any society does encounter when its people embark upon such a large enterprise. And therefore it is necessary to consider these problems not as obstacles, but merely as opportunities to find alternative routes and better strategies. Lok Satta's and Dr. Jayaprakash Narayan's, in particular, past record with government enabled Lok Satta to gain a deep insight into the governance process. Along with a clear understanding of the Indian political and governance situation, Lok Satta has developed a knowledge base to enable accurate analysis without adopting a starry-eyed approach. Despite problems encountered the lessons learnt over the years supported by steadiness, and an unwavering loyalty to the ultimate cause has enabled Lok Satta to work effectively towards governance reforms.


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Lok Satta
What is Lok Satta?

People's Watch
Swarajya movement
Election Watch
One Crore Signature Campaign
Indirect Tax Reform Initiatives
New Political Culture




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National networking
Electoral reform
Impact of movement


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