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Citizen's Charter Garbage disposal ......


Subject:Collection and disposal of garbage from residential colonies in Cantonment area, Secunderabad ----- Role of Cantonment authorities and Residential Colony Welfare Association (RCWA)

1. Objective : Through the concerted efforts of Cantonment authorities and colony residents,

1.1 To ensure that roads and open spaces in residential colonies are kept tidy and free of carelessly strewn garbage.

1.2 To enrich 'Quality of Life' of residents and maintain the environment clean and free of health hazards.

1.3 To develop mutual understanding and trust between colony residents and Cantt. Authorities.

1.4 To achieve and sustain a high level of community satisfaction.

2. Collection of garbage

2.1 Residents of Colonies shall

a) Segregate the garbage into bio-degradable and the rest and keep them separately in two different containers / plastic bags.

b) Arrange for collection, at their own cost, of the segregated garbage from each residence daily and have it dumped into specified enclosures / structures

c) Provide a suitable tricycle / wheelbarrow with two differently coloured bins for the daily carting of the garbage

2.2 Cantt. Authorities shall construct a suitably designed structure / enclosure for the daily dumping of collected garbage, at a convenient location in the colony, to be decided in conjunction with the colony residents.

3. Garbage disposal

3.1 Cantt. Authorities shall

a) arrange to have the accumulated garbage in the collection enclosure lifted by suitable transport and its premises sprayed with dis-infectant powder at intervals of ..............................

b) ensure prevention of stray dogs and pigs from roaming around and littering garbage.

4. Sweeping of roads

4.1 Colony residents shall not throw garbage or any other refuse on roads or open spaces.

4.2 Cantt. Authorities shall arrange to have the roads of colonies swept clean at intervals of ............................... .

5. Monitoring system

5.1 The concerned contractor / agency shall maintain a register and obtain signature of designated colony representative each time garbage clearance or sweeping work is carried out in the following format:

Name of the colony: Name of theContractor:
................................ .................................
Services Date Signature of colony representative Signature of Cantt. Official
Roads swept      
Garbage lifted      

6. Lodging of complaints

6.1 In the event of the contractor's work being irregular or unsatisfactory, the concerned colony representative may lodge a complaint at the designated complaints cell or inform ...................................(name) .......................................... (designation) by telephone at ................................................... (Tel No. .............................)

6.2 The complaint thus lodged shall be registered and the complaint number shall be given to the complainant for follow-up

6.3 If the complaint is not redressed in three days, the matter shall be referred to the concerned superintendent. For delays of over a week, complaint shall be made to the Executive Officer on Tel. No. ...........

7. Periodical visits

7.1 The designated official of Cantt. or his deputy shall meet the colony representatives periodically at intervals of ______________ which would help mutual understanding and trust.

Water Supply

Objective: The Secunderabad Cantonment shall undertake to supply protected water to residential colonies whose layout has been approved by the Cantonment and appropriate water distribution lines have been laid by the colony.

Procedure for getting a new connection :

i. Any individual house owner from a colony, desirious of getting water supply from the Cantonment shall make an application in Form …………… and enclose the following :

l Property-tax receipt (latest),

l No-objection Certificate from the Colony,

ii. The application with attachments shall be submitted to Mr ………. at the cantonment Board Office from ........ to........on any working day.

iii. Mr……………… shall give an acknowledgement of the application.

iv. The applicant will procure an ISI marked water meter and hand it over to Mr…………….for testing and sealing.

v. The Cantonment will arrange to lay the last length of 1/2" pipe from the Colony's distribution pipeline to the applicant's plot up to the meter, within seven days.

Billing and payment of water bills: The Cantonment shall deliver by hand or by post quarterly bills to each user/Colony. Bills should be paid by cheque to the person delivering the bill and he will issue immediately a receipt for the cheque. Bills can also be paid by cheque or cash at the Cash Section of the Cantt. Board office from .............., to........... on any working day.

Non - receipt of Bills: If a user does not get the bill by the usual date, he should call on Telephone No., when he would be given a complaint number and a duplicate bill sent in 15 days.

Mal functioning of water meter: If a meter is not functioning properly, the Cantonment will bill the individual on minimum basis, until the individual gets the meter repaired or changed.

Operation & Maintenance of Water Supply: (i) If the Cantonment is unable to maintain usual supply of water, it will inform the representative of the affected Colony by telephone. If there will be a major change in the supply timings for large areas, the Cantonment shall inform the residents affected well in advance, by conspicuous announcements in the English, Telugu and Urdu newspapers.

ii. If a Colony or any resident in it experiences inadequate water supply, a complaint will be lodged by the Colony representative at its designated complaint booth on Tel. No ………… when a complaint number shall be given by the Cantonment attendant. The Complaint shall be attended to in two days. If the complaint has not been redressed in two days, the Colony representative will complain to the Executive Officer on Tel No …………

iii. If the Cantonment is unable to supply water at all, the Cantonment shall immediately arrange for supply of water to the affected Colonies, by tanker, at its own cost. The officer concerned shall inform the Colony representatives the timings for the tanker.

iv. If any resident notices a water leak on any public road, he shall report it to the complaint booth who will give a complaint number. The complaint shall be attended to in a day's time.

Street Lighting

Objective: It is the responsibility of the Cantonment Board to provide and maintain adequate street lighting along all the Colony roads which have been handed over to the Cantonment

Practices: After a Colony is developed and reasonably occupied, the Cantonment will arrange to install street lighting wires on existing APSEB service poles and fit lighting fittings on existing poles. Normally the lighting fittings will be the flourescent tube type. Gas filled bulb fittings will be installed at junctions.

If a Colony desires to have street lights where APSEB poles do not exist then

Operation and maintenance of Street lighting:

The daily switching on and off of the street lighting shall be performed by the Cantonment staff.

Defective lighting:

If any lights in a Colony do not glow, the representative of the Colony, shall register a complaint at the Complaint booth on Tel No……………..He will be given a complaint number and the complaint will be registered in a street lighting register. The Cantonment shall arrange to have the bulb or the tube replaced and if necessary any other part of the fitting or the entire fitting replaced in seven days.

If the defect is not rectified in seven days, the Colony representative shall complaint to the Executive Officer on Tel No………..




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